
Medical statistics predict that 1/3 of people over 65 will fall each year, and many events will lead to death within the following year. Moreover, 30% of these individuals who survive enter a "downward spiral of morbidity" requiring ongoing medical care and experience disastrous loss of mobility and independence. Our findings have led to the development of a core paradigm for fall prevention and aging body maintenance. Gleaned from global traditions our system integrates established Western balance/strength protocols with the movement and cognition approaches of Chinese Medical Tai Ji/Qi Gong and innovative technology.

Legacy of Wisdom first collaborated in research studies with Harvard Medical School (2010-2014) and is now (2014-2022) partnering with the University Department of Aging Medicine of the Felix Platter Hospital in Basel to develop a cohesive study of our multi-modal “Power Centering for Seniors” intervention. Based on our 2014 feasibility study, we have completed (Jan. 2022) a “gold standard” randomized control trial to measure efficacy and validity of this innovative, multi-modal approach.

Learn more on our Research Description Page.